
5 Things to Know

When Selecting After School Care

- Precision Martial Arts

1. Staff - Do they want to be there?

So many people hate their jobs. From the moment they punch in, they start counting down the clock. You see it at the checkout and in the drive-thru, but what about daycare? When someone doesn’t want to be there, it can affect others. Kids are so perceptive—they can and will pick up on it right away. This could cause extra stress as they try to avoid getting snapped at or avoid someone altogether.

2. Staff - How long have they been there?

Places with high turnover should be looked at very closely. If employees aren’t happy, there is a good chance the kids are not as well. Stability and consistency are so important for kids.

3. Staff - Do they know your kids?

My rule is if I mess up your name more than 3 times (EVER), I owe you push-ups. You are too important to forget, and so is your name. But it shouldn’t stop with your name. When you know what a child likes and doesn’t like, they trust you more because they know you are genuine.

4. Other kids - Habits matter.

Of course, the staff is important (it’s the top 3), but birds of a feather flock together, and habits will be picked up whether good or bad. What kind of kids attend this after-school program? Not sure how to find out? When you pick your child up, get out of the car and go inside (don’t send in the older sister), get off the phone, go to the back to help your child get their backpack, then PAY ATTENTION! You’ll see if the other kids are being respectful to each other.

5. Structure - What's the game plan for today?

“Oh, I don’t know, should we just let the kids color?” Believe it or not, a lot of places do just that. People respond better when there is a plan and they know it. You and the kids should know what’s going on the next day. Maybe they are going to be really active, and your daughter shouldn’t wear a dress.